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This fractional ablative resurfacing treatment is one of Dr. Ray's specialties; he is a key opinion leader and educator in the industry. It can deliver incredible skin rejuvenation results and increase confidence levels for patients requiring significant skin correction.

Continuous light beams are delivered in a scanning pattern to remove thin layers of the skin and promote a regenerative response in the healing skin. Procedures are highly customizable depending on the patient’s skin type, the area being treated, and the condition.

Treatment Details
The treatment typically takes between 45 and 90 minutes, depending on the treatment area and the patient’s aesthetic goals. Patients typically arrive at the clinic 1 hour prior to their procedure for application of numbing cream and administration of pain medication. Patients will remain in the clinic for 1-2 hours following the treatment for initial recovery and will require a drive home. Typically only one treatment is required; however, for skin tightening around the eyes we recommend a series of three treatments. The Cynosure SmartXide Dot fractionated CO2 laser is used in this treatment.

Recovery & Results
​Results will start to be apparent after approximately 4 weeks and continue to improve for 6 months. For continued optimal results, skin should be maintained with proper home care as directed by Dr. Ray.
Skin will initially be raw for 24 hours. It will then be crusted for 2-7 days. Skin may continue to be mildly inflamed for up to 4 weeks. Mineral-based makeup can be worn starting 3-7 days after treatment once the crusting has resolved. Advanced medical-grade skin care products are provided to promote healing and results. Additional PRP treatment is available to further enhance healing and results.

Used to treat:
​Fine and stubborn lines, wrinkles, crepey skin, scarring (surgical, acne, injury), poor skin laxity, stretch marks, vessels, sun damage, photoaging, brown spots, hyper-pigmentation, and skin discolouration. Can also be used for tightening skin and improving skin texture. Commonly used on the face, around the eyes and mouth, and on the neck, chest, décolleté/décolletage, and hands.



“When I first met with Dr. Ray and Madison, my skin was not in great shape. I had a lot of acne, along with scarring, and redness. I had a hard time going anywhere without cover up (which didn't really cover much anyway) or having my photo taken and was really frustrated and upset. I was in tears as I shared my feelings with Dr. Ray and Madison and he very compassionately told me that he was going to help me and he made a plan. After months of a program to clear up my skin, I was able to get the CO2 Laser to treat the scarring. The results were amazing, and with a skincare regime my skin has continued to improve dramatically. I feel comfortable and confident wearing no makeup most of the time. It really has made my life better because I feel comfortable in my own skin now. Dr. Ray and Madison have always made themselves available if I have questions or concerns about treatments (even after hours), which is very reassuring. I am so appreciative of the care that I receive from View Laser.”

Sarah G.

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